What is B.A.A.M.?
B.A.A.M. is a management initiative of Art Crossing Borders to relieve outstanding artists of the social media workload and provide them with intensive, individualized and targeted support to build their careers.
One year
One year of targeted support in areas of social media management, content creation with budgets for online advertising, content and video production.
Three bands
A prominent jury selects the best bands or artists according to the criteria that promise the greatest development. Thereby, the selection is not limited to newcomers.
An additional video
B.A.A.M. gives the artists a budget for one additional video per band or artist and release to support the distribution and identification with the music.
A social media team
The selected bands will receive a total of 1000 hours of social media management. SM plan creation and execution, as needed analysis, targeting, and information that even after the program is over will be invaluable insights for future SM activity setup.
A content creation team
The selected bands will receive a total of 1000 hours of production power for one year. For reels, live recordings, press pictures, interviews or e.g. balcony concerts. Social media content takes time and good ideas that need to be implemented professionally.
Advertising budget
Today’s currency is attention. Many social media players are fighting for this precious resource. A social media plan and smart, as well as professional implementation are standard today. Without outreach, all efforts peter out. An advertising budget is essential to find more fans.
Production budget
A budget for production of reels, concert recordings, photos, live events, documentaries, interviews etc. Included are possible travel expenses, rent, editing and postproduction.
Social media is not a nice-to-have for artists, but you can’t do without it.
So far, funding policies have been based almost exclusively on three concepts: awarding contests to discover artists, awarding grants to provide financial support, and providing training to make artists fit to better market themselves in social media. But this system is misguided. It finds talented artists, provides them with money, only
to then train them as marketing specialists who can use their new knowledge to compete with real professionals.
This non-specific funding practice ultimately keeps artists from creating exceptional works that move the world. Artists’ strengths lie in their area of expertise, and there’s a reason they don’t work in advertising agencies. It is time to say goodbye to the scattergun approach.
A targeted program like BAAM breaks new ground in supporting young artists on their journey. All parties involved thereby throw into one pool, from which afterwards efficient measures, adapted to the respective artist and his situation, are financed. B.A.A.M. is a new concept that recognizes the importance of social media and provides them with the specific help they need to succeed in their music careers.
What the artists say
The immense effort required to present themselves in social media creates a paradox: if artists are not active enough, they are not recognized; if they are too active, they have no time left for their development and
are no longer perceived as artists, but as influencers.
Apply now
We are looking for talented bands, individual artists from all genres or groups to participate. In the application, you tell us about your project and the milestones you have already achieved and the goals you still want to reach. Also have the links of your web presences ready as well as possibly the names of your fellow campaigners. The services of the program are available to individual artists as well as bands and other groups. Apply today, as there are only a limited number of spots available.
A voice
Art Crossing Borders envisions the B.A.A.M. Board as a voice for change in society, policy and industry in the future. Artists, like many other groups in the digital economy, have become heavily dependent on the big platforms, which are becoming increasingly powerful. Their algorithms are now ubiquitous and almost without alternative; they almost completely dominate the market and have the power to dictate prices. Artists must confront this unitedly. Because it’s still them generating the content from which the profits are made.
When you participate in the BAAM program, you automatically become a member of Art Crossing Borders e.V.. This increases your chances of receiving public or internal funding for your project.