Art Crossing Borders e.V.
like the art that can overcome external and internal boundaries
Julian Friedrich | Februar 2022

Julian Friedrich
Musician, Producer, Film Maker

Gundi Ellert
Advisory Board
Actor, director, screenwriter

Nadine Stellmacher
Projekt Manager
Musician, manager
Social Media Specialist

Frank Baumbauer
Founding member
Theater Manager, Intendant

Sarah Jane Mcminn
Founding member
Musician Singer, Artist

Dominik Pobot
Founding member
Studio musician, producer

Heidrun Gärtner
Founding member

Daniel Friedrich
Founding member
Actor, musician
Thank you for your interest in Art Crossing Borders e.V.!
Art Crossing Borders e.V. is a registered non-profit association and acts without any profit intentions. It was founded to support and connect outstanding artists to create a strong community of creators and their supporters seeking first-hand solutions to the challenges young talents face today.
The goal is to find a new generation of artists and to align the funding structures accordingly in order to support them
in an unbureaucratic and concrete way where that is really needed. We want to believe in them as people; trust them and help them implement unusual, new concepts and survive with them in an era of digitalized society and global competition.
We work together with the artists on new laboratories, utilisation systems, and exciting formats that have the potential to radiate back into the art world in order to inspire and move others. I lay particular importance on international encounters, mutual inspiration, and joint discussion about the future of art. A new generation of artists
should be able to assume their role in society being self-confident and feeling protected, and develop their full potential with newly acquired skills. Because we need their ideas, visions, and alternative perspectives today more than ever!
I would like to engage you for these goals and invite you to accompany me and this community on this exciting path! Let’s cross these borders!
First focus: Ukraine.
Touchstone of the European East-West politics; country of a young creative generation that needs our support
Julian Friedrich | Februar 2022 | #ukraine #politik #krieg
When I ended up in Ukraine at the beginning of 2015, I quickly felt a deep connection to the country, the culture, and the people. Since then, I have been there more than 50 times, travelled to all cities, and had many conversations — until the pandemic in 2020 forced me to maintain contacts from my home office.
It shall not surprise you, dear reader, how much it hurts me to see this great country suffering from Russian military aggression.
Anmerkung (27.03.2022): Dieser Text wurde noch vor dem 24.02.22 verfasst.